Tuesday, September 29, 2009

solution of human trafficking

The Malaysian Government has few programs for preventing human trafficking. The Ministry of Women, Family, and Community development held a conference to teach police and immigration officials to identify trafficking victims. The Royal Malaysian Police held a one-day workshop to develop a national strategy

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The Effect of Human Trafficking

For this post, I want 2 share about the effect of human trafficking.First, there is often some form of physical abuse. Victims are often badly beaten so they will do what they are told to do.Sometimes, victims are told that if they do not obey,their families will be hurt or that they will be handed over to immigration authorities.Victims,even once they are released,may be scarred for life.

The effects of Human Trafficking also involve those who are making money from dealing in this criminal activity.The trafficking gain power. The more money and power they have,the more people they can enslave.If Human Trafficking is not stopped,the number of slaves and trafficking will increase every year.

There is a wide range of physical effects on victims of human trafficking.The physical effects may differ depending on the age of the victims and the type of work that a victims is forced to do.If a person is forced into the sex trade,the person can come in contact with some very serious disease.The most life-threatening diseases in the sex trade include HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.Even if victims of the sex trade are released, their bodies might be so effected by the abuse they receive that they may never be able to have children.

Some victims are forced to take drugs.Traffickers might give the victims drugs so they remain passive and easily controlled.Once victims are addicted to the drugs,they will constantly want to do more.So,even if they are given a chance to escape,the victims might want to stay in order to have in order to have continued access to the drugs.Also,traffickers can use drugs as a punishment.They might take the drugs away until the victims do what they tell them to do.

Almost all victims of human trafficking are placed in a situation of high stress.They might be worried about families that they have left behind.They might be afraid of the people who keep them captive because they are worried they will be beaten.They could,in extreme cases,even be afraid of being killed.There is also the stress of the work they are doing.Working long hours and doing very hard work cause stress.Constant stress can lead to depression cause a person to feel a great sadness about everything in life.

posted:ira A124939