Tuesday, September 29, 2009

solution of human trafficking

The Malaysian Government has few programs for preventing human trafficking. The Ministry of Women, Family, and Community development held a conference to teach police and immigration officials to identify trafficking victims. The Royal Malaysian Police held a one-day workshop to develop a national strategy

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ziza ice independent said...

why still have human trafficking issue even Government Malaysian always preventing human trafficking???

posted:ira A124939

ziza ice independent said...

Maybe people or society does not pay attention to this issue. They are not take own responsible for this problems. Society must give cooperation not just goverment involed. What programme develop by goverment ,ust haven people to support and pay attention.

Posted by : Leok Pei Shan A125269

ziza ice independent said...

i think yer ira, its because of the policy government not to effective for policies carried out. so, the government have to monitor from time to,for that they must be consistent to monitor the policies so the solution can be effective.

ziza ice independent said...

or perhaps because the program was launched by the government is not known by the public??? government must monitor through mass media or by some other way so that people can pay attention..Do you agree??
How about ira opinion??

Posted by : Pei shan A125269

ziza ice independent said...

shan, i agree with your opinion, probability to many poeple not pay attention about this issue to this issue cannot finish except awareness from ordinary citizen.

ziza ice independent said...

awareness from ordinary citizen or pay attention by people or society in most important.Awareness or pay attention by people can reduce case to involed in human traficking.

Posted by : Pei Shan A125269

ziza ice independent said...

for me ar..government monitor with media its one the good is because while media always disclose issue human trafficking in electronic media or print is one the contributions of community concerns.But, its not enough to preventing human trafficking crime.people or society all side must be together to preventing human trafficking

posted:ira A124939

ziza ice independent said...
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ziza ice independent said...

ya...the media also role to solve this issue because they are have a authority to manipulate thinking of many people. so, there is the point to collaborate with the government to solve the problem.

zetty, a122582

ziza ice independent said...

Ya..i really Agree...We also are people must together to preventing human trafficking. We are studying in Development of science..Haha..So we are the first people to support what have done by goverment.

Posted by: Pei Shan

learn from failure said...

what you all said i also agree , now in my mind have 2 solution i think can use to decrease the problem, first is try to imagine urself is trafficker, and what wa will you use to transfer the victim out of state, then inforce the security on that way, second is improve the punishment to that kind people like juz let them pass their life in jail or wit a die punishment!
act this problem is happen in a long time and hard to solve in a period, what we can do is trying to focus on our environment ,cause there will be a trafficking happen around us?
if wanna public the issue, the most suitable way is through advertisement wit the tv most of ppl watch and school.
and act wat is government do is the short planning and juz can prevent in a short time.after that the trafficking will happen again.pls think hw to solve the problem wit a strategy planning.

learn from failure said...

there is a trafficking background information u all cn refer!

ziza ice independent said...

people actually involved in this incident will not necessarily accept the punishment that the offender will be.maybe is ``Penganti'' to accept punishment or give corruption.human traffcking also continue hapen ways that you submit will probably effective.
Assistance or broadcast mass media is very important to realize the community

posted by : A125269 pei shan

ziza ice independent said...

thanks for your opinion...i thgink will help us a bit...
pei shan

learn from failure said...

actually,we have to definite the main factor of the human trafficking?is it because of money, force by some organisation, or influence by environment?
that is good for government do the many prevention of this issue but the case still happen in every where!
what the information u all get also useless if just a general information and no enough to solve the problem.because there are many underground organisation still continue doing the uman trafficking! can u imagine, if the information u all get is useful, mean the human trafficking should be settle and wont happen again!that mean all the information are not the mean point to avoid and prevent the human trafficking.are u agree?

learn from failure said...

here have a new issue about human trafficking at arab saudi, are u all think is it enough for 15 years jail to the human trafficking prison?
in my thought, human trafficking is more serious compare with the murder case, because what the mentally stress facing by the casualty?is too heavy!

learn from failure said...

besides that, if let you choose a word to describe the moral level o the world?
and will you think that sum1 religion will useful to prevent the human trafficking?
what u will think if i said money are making the human become a reality world and the environment become worst?

learn from failure said...

are you think is it important to reinforce the law about human trafficking?
if yes, what kind of change should be do?
are u think is it enough organization for helping all government on the way preventing the human trafficking now? y?

ziza ice independent said...
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ziza ice independent said...

hai shan nira, you all dont forget, various effort from government to prevent human trafficking, expecially in Malaysia, the government was to create policies and service responsive to the problem of traffciking inside and outside the country.the existence of these policies, human trafficking can be contained.

zetty A122582

ziza ice independent said...

these programs should also be implemented as campaign protect family members, families first the campaign to curb human trafficking issues,so, with the cooperation of various parties, we will be able to see a good result.

zetty A122582

ziza ice independent said...

that's right ira,shan. to assume ourselves to be victims of human trade, we will feel more aware and careful with this issue which is very scary.

zetty A122582

ziza ice independent said...

in my opinion, in the real world, money is most important to survice.If no have money, will face a lots of problems.If poor or not able to survive, then they will find a way to find subsistence.That why i said people are easy involed in human trafficking because of factor ~money~..Do you agree now?

Posted by : a125269 Pei shan

ziza ice independent said...

in your post ~mean the human trafficking should be settle and wont happen again~..totally i not really agree.Because no one issue will stop or wont hapen again if people din take their own responsibility.People think that is non of their business。Crime (human trafficking)is not stopped, if only part of the participants.just NGO,goverment.because people dun want get trouble or others reason,people dun want make the report to police if they know arround they have underground organisation human trafficking!People are afraid of trouble and provoke things.
Posted by: Pei shan A125269

Posted by Pei shan A125269

ziza ice independent said...

`mean the human trafficking should be settle and wont happen again".Is a bit difficult to stop n wont hapen again.Issue human traffcking also same like other crimes. Such as rape, robbery, theft and assault.Also are non stop issue.we have the point to avoid and prevent the human trafficking.But not at all people are involed to avoid and prevent the human trafficking

Posted by : Pei shan A125269

ziza ice independent said...

If people really not really to change, after jailed for 15 years or 20years also same.Human traffcking still continious hapen and non stop. Most people who suffer are not a crime, are a substitute, that why said that the issue still exists. They will have lots and lots of alternative to find.
Posted by : Pei Shan A125269

ziza ice independent said...

I agree with you, if someone has a strong religious, they will clear the sin and punishment.They not easy involed in human trafficking.In my opinion i agree,money are making the human become a reality world and the environment become worst.Money is everything, if no money can not do any.People become more open environment and will also be bad.Human are selfish.
Posted by : Pei shan A125269

learn from failure said...

then what i saw from your all comment and conclude that money is the main factor.and yes, i agree with it because human is the greedy animal, who will satisfy with the money they get! and 1 more thing is human are fear to bring the trouble.even there are somebody know that human trafficking happened around them but they are dare to voice up.human are selfish, this word is the best word to describe the human attitude.then mean the lack of moral and ethic also the factor of human trafficking?
what the opinion and solution to solve?
and is it the more low level of morality in state ,the percentage of human trafficking more higher?

ziza ice independent said...

My conclusion, i think that those people been trafficked are very pityful, because without any notices, they have been forced to do something that they dont know. And behalf of that, this may lead them to do something that they dont even like n willingly to do it. If they this continuously happened to a person without figure out to escape or find out they right, then they may have long term suffering n been exploited n controlled by powerful people.

Posted by : A125269

ziza ice independent said...

ya..i agree.Money is very important to continue life, give support and to survice.No money then how difficult people survice? How people dare to voice up? they dun want to be involved and ignore that kind of action.People are lack of moral and ethic also the factor of human trafficking. I agree with you.Lack of religion and moral strength will help in reducing human trafficking case.

Posted by : Pei shan A125269

ziza ice independent said...

Organization that is on this day to assist governments to prevent human trade is less. This case because this is not profitable if they were directly involved. appreciation is less restriction to the issues discussed is the increasingly excellent.Addition to the mastermind of this event is syndicate criminal international.All countries should cooperate to deal with commercial crimes this international criminal.

posted:ira A124939

ziza ice independent said...

I am very agree with the views Foo.Prison for 15 not enough for them to know that people are willing to do violence.They benefit from folding times and also won wealth enough to carry out activities that do not unhumanitarianism.children who the innocent child-made tool for their profit.women who are forced to prostitute their self.the mastermind events is very cunning as brutal events that they do less monitoring from the authorities. thus, their activities increasingly violent and cruel.

posted:ira A124939

ziza ice independent said...

yes, I agree with ira's opinion From the international cooperation is also veryimportantto reduce trafficking.Human occurrence of human trafficking are also involved with foreign countries and not only from Country of malaysia.So,cooperation from other countries is also important

Posted by : a125269 pei shan

ziza ice independent said...

they are imprisoned or executed can not solve this human traficking.Perkara still hapen.Ini because the sentence may not be accepted human traffiker, the possibility is Substitute.

Posted by Pei shan a125269